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VR and MR Indie Game Developer

Welcome to CORE STRAND, a small indie video game developer specializing in VR and mixed reality games. The primary goal at CORE STRAND is to design innovative ways to play and interact with vivid game worlds.

Core Strand Logo

Who We Are

VR Gaming Aficionados

The life of a game developer should be spent in a sort of cosmic wonder. We are speaking entire worlds into existence through the language of code. At CORE STRAND, our primary motivation and objective is to feel that sense of wonder every day, and to pass on that feeling to our players by allowing them to step into these worlds and interact with them on a level only virtual reality can provide.



Stack the Blocks!

April, 2024

VR has the power to make novelty from the mundane. An activity well-known by children everywhere, few things are as satisfying as delicately placing that final block at the top of your precariously balanced tower (or as gleeful as deliberately knocking that tower down -- we don't judge).

With dozens of levels and a sandbox area that truly unlocks that childhood feeling, Stack the Blocks provides countless hours of simple joy. Releasing soon on the Meta Quest Store!


est. late 2024

Encircled is a tower defense game that places you at the heart of handcrafted maps as your foes surround you. With loads of enemy variety, you'll need every tool at your disposal (along with careful, strategic tower placement) to claim victory.

Encircled_Logo (1).png
DALL·E 2024-04-12 15.59.41 - Create a logo for a video game titled 'Project Bang'. The log

Project Bang

est. 2025

Our top secret project... that you can read about right here. Project Bang is a single player action-adventure first-person shooter, designed from the ground up exclusively for Mixed Reality. We'll have more to share later, but for now suffice it to say that this game will attempt to do things in MR at an unprecedented scale.


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